Agradeço as Tradutoras
Misted a sua escolha
Misted a sua escolha
- DBS Flux - Radial Smox
- Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Glass
- AAA Frames - Foto Frame
(clique nos prints para melhor visualizar)
01- Abrir o material no psp, duplicar e fechar o original.
02- Escolha 02 cores para trabalhar (clara e escura).
Foregroud= #fbf5cd.
Background= #a72c16.
03- Formar um gradiente Linear: Angule: 0 > Repeats: 2 > invert: desmarcado.
Cores: #fbf5cd e #a72c16.
04- Abrir a alpha_channel_calli_lu.
Pintar com o gradiente.
05- Layer > New Raster Layer.
Selection > Select all.
Edit > Copy no misted floral.
Edit > Past into Selection.
Selection > Select None.
06- Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling > Default.
09- Layer > New Raster Layer.
Pinte com a cor do foreground (clara)= #fbf5cd.
10- Layer > New mask layer > From image > Mask:
Narah_Mask_1624 (invert desmarcado).
Layers > Merge > Merge Group.
11- Layer > New Raster Layer.
Pinte com a cor do foreground (clara)= #fbf5cd.
12- Layer > New mask layer > From image > Mask:
Narah_Mask_1222 (invert desmarcado).
Layers > Merge > Merge Group.
13- Clique na Raster 2
Selections > Load/Save Selections.
Load Selection from Alpha Channel: Selection #1
Selections > Promote Selection to layer.
Layer > Arrange > Bring to Top.
14- Effects > Plugin > Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 > Glass > Clear.
15- Clique na Group - Raster 3.
Layer > New Raster Layer.
Edit > Copy no misted floral.
Edit > Past into Selection.
Effects > Edge Effects > Enhance.
16- Clique na layer do topo.
Layer > New Raster Layer.
Selection > Modify > Expand = 5.
17- Selection > Modify > Select > Selection Borders.
Selection > Select None.
Layer > Merge > Merge Down (2 vezes).
20- Clique na Raster 2.
Selections > Load/Save Selections.
Load Selection from Alpha Channel: Selection #2
Selections > Promote Selection to layer.
Layer > Arrange > Bring to Top.
21- Effects > Plugin > Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 > Glass > Clear.
22- Clique na Raster 3.
Layer > New Raster Layer.
Edit > Copy no misted floral.
Edit > Past into Selection.
Effects > Edge Effects > Enhance.
23- Clique na layer do topo.
Layer > New Raster Layer.
Selection > Modify > Expand = 5.
24- Selection > Modify > Select > Selection Borders.
26- Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow, Color: #000000.
Selection > Select None.
Layer > Merge > Merge Down (2 vezes).
27- Layer > New Raster Layer.
Selections > Load/Save Selections.
Load Selection from Alpha Channel: Selection #3
Pinte com a cor do foreground (clara)= #fbf5cd.
28- Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow, Color: #000000.
Selection > Select None.
29- Edit > Copy no decor_calli1_lu.
Edit > Past as New Layer
Ferramenta Pick Tool:
Position X 32 Position Y 84.
31- Edit > Copy no decor_calli2_lu.
Edit > Past as New Layer
Ferramenta Pick Tool:
Position X 29 Position Y 518.
33- Edit > Copy no misted floral.
Edit > Past as New Layer.
Dê resize se necessário.
34- Edit > Copy no tit_calli1_lu.
Edit > Past as New Layer.
Ferramenta Pick Tool:
Position X 40 Position Y 391.
35- Edit > Copy no tit_calli2_lu.
Edit > Past as New Layer.
Ferramenta Pick Tool:
Position X 35 Position Y 395.
37- Edit > Copy Special > Copy Merged.
38- Image > Add Borders:
1 px - symmetric - color:#fbf5cd.
4 px - symmetric - color: #a72c16.
1 px - symmetric - color: #fbf5cd.
Selection all.
39- Image > Add Borders:
50 px - symmetric - qualquer cor.
Selection > Invert.
Edit > Past into selection.
40- Adjust > Blur > Radial Blur.
41- Effects > Edge Effects > Enhance.
Selection > Invert.
42- Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow, Color: #000000.
44- Image > Add Borders:
1 px - symmetric - color:#fbf5cd.
36- Aplicar sua marca d'água ou assinatura.
45- File > Export > JPEG Optimizer.
Tutorial e Art Final by Lu
Misted, Decors e Título: Lu
Masks: Narah Masks
Misted, Decors e Título: Lu
Masks: Narah Masks
Tutorial criado por Lu – Maio/2022
Não poderá ser copiado sem o consentimento prévio da autora.
bonjour.. voici ma version du très joli tuto Calligraphy, vous le trouverez ici :
cordialement, talonaiguille